Professional colon hydro-therapy benefits are being rediscovered globally and regarded as the foremost among cleansing treatments and technologies. Long before the word "colonic" came to use, popular healers of ancient times understood the need to cleanse the colon. Archeologists' uncovered writings on colon health and cleansing set down by ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian societies dating back to 5,000 B.C.
As people explored new land and spread across the globe, the medical practice of colon cleansing and healing also expanded and evolved. Since ancient times, from continent to continent and over thousands of years, the cleansing of the colon remained a staple method of healing the intestinal tract and promoting internal health.
The writings of Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Galen, Pare' and Da Vinci reveal that the founding fathers of modern medicine understood and practiced early methods of cleansing the colon for a wide variety of health conditions and afflictions.
From average citizens to aristocrats and royalty, cleansing the colon was the recognized protocol for intestinal cleansing. No matter the reference, (i.e., enemas, high colonics, colon cleansing, colon irrigation) the result was a sense of good health and being. With SHP equipment, tapping into the benefits of colon hydro-therapy can now be fully realized.
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